During play hold down 'S', 'I', 'U', and press 'RIGHT ALT'. There should be a slight pause and the ghosts will reset to the starting position. This will give you infinite lives.

When the title screen appears, type "AVALON". The screen should flash. You should have unlimited lives. If that doesn't work, try the following:

Start a two player game. Make it as far as you can with player one. With player two, you must be able to make it as far as the fairy to collect your boots. Now that you have gotten your boots, you are going backwards to where you started. Push the third cactus on the way back, and a yellow pacman will appear. Get it, now kill player two. Continue playing with player one. Every time player one dies, get the yellow pacman with player two and kill player two immediately. As long as you keep getting the yellow pacman with player two, player one will never die.


Run to the third fire hydrant, and when you get there, jump over it and push it to the left. This will give you a blue hat that will make you invulnerable to the little ghosts that fall from planes.
Run to the third cactus, and push it to the left. You will now be invulnerable for the entire level!
After getting your magic boots, push the third cactus, on the way back, for a free life.